
Posts Tagged ‘bite’

Red Velvet Cupcakes!

I can’t exactly remember when my romance with Red Velvet began. The strikingly bright red color  enticed me the moment I saw them on Food Network. They looked so good and so yummy that I knew I had to learn the recipe.

Bloody…and yummy!

Thus the search began! Google and Youtube helped me with my search and I realized most recipes are the same. Sugar, flour and cocoa ratios may vary but they basically are all the same. And easy to make!

My first attempt was on my birthday. I used Bobbie Lloyd’s recipe and it turned out well. The thing was I am using 3/4 oz muffin tins. Yes, they are quite small so they yield mini cupcakes. I forgot about that fact when I baked them. What happened was that  I baked them for too long. They didn’t burn but they dried out! 25 minutes was just too much!

On top are my first ever red velvet cupcakes. Yes, they taste good but they look sad and dreadful! I know I had to turn the presentation thousands of notches higher!

A few days later I made another batch. This time being careful with time. Baked them for 15 minutes only. They turned out real good. But something was still missing. And I want them really moist. Using Buttercream frosting also did not help coz I knew that Cream cheese frosting is the perfect match for these cupcakes.

That was my problem until a few days ago that I read this article from Yahoo! This article saved me from my red velvet hang up. Now I know what makes an authentic (not to mention yummy) red velvet cake!


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